Ford Edge » Interior » Cargo Organization » Cargo Organizer - Soft-Sided Standard
Cargo Organizer - Soft-Sided Standard, Folding, Ford Logo This soft-sided cargo organizer folds up and out of the way when not in use and stands up when duty calls. Made of premium-grade, woven-polyester, organizer is laminated for water repellency and mildew resistance. Pop it open and the 3 sturdy compartments with rigid bottom help keep groceries and various other items in place, minimizing topples and spills. Easy installation no tools required. Cleans easily, and stores flat if desired.
Part Number HE5Z-78115A00-C
Regular Price $105.21
Ford Edge » Interior » Cargo Organizer - Soft-Sided Standard
Part Number HE5Z-78115A00-C
Cargo Organizer - Soft-Sided Standard, Folding, Ford Logo This soft-sided cargo organizer folds up and out of the way when not in use and stands up when duty calls. Made of premium-grade, woven-polyester, organizer is laminated for water repellency and mildew resistance. Pop it open and the 3 sturdy compartments with rigid bottom help keep groceries and various other items in place, minimizing topples and spills. Easy installation no tools required. Cleans easily, and stores flat if desired.
Most items will ship within 24-48 hours. Special order items take a longer lead time. Our buyers work diligently to provide us with the quantities we expect to sell. We will do everything possible to ship the products promptly.
Shipping and handling charges are straightforward and simple. They are conspicuously displayed in the shopping cart. Certain items such as bed mats, running boards, cargo extenders and trailer hitches will require a slightly higher freight rate, this is also displayed in the shopping cart. Due to the exclusivity and limited availability of many of our items, Ford Motor Company may only provide some items while supplies last. If a product is ordered that has been discontinued by Ford Motor Company and is out of stock, you will be notified within 24 hours via e-mail. All items will be shipped Fedex Ground or UPS Ground, except APO/FPO orders, which are shipped USPS Parcel Post. Expedited shipping may be available at extra cost. Please contact us to verify availability and fees. .
Genuine Ford Accessories, Genuine Lincoln Accessories and Genuine Mercury Accessories will be warranted for whichever provides the greatest benefit: 12 months or 12,000 miles (whichever occurs first), or the remainder of the Bumper-to-Bumper 3-year/36,000-mile New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Contact your Ford Dealer for details and a copy of the limited warranty. Ford Licensed Accessories (FLA), Genuine Lincoln Accessories (LLA) and Mercury Licensed Accessories (MLA) are warranted by the accessory manufacturer’s warranty. FLA, LLA and MLA are fully designed and developed by the accessory manufacturer and have not been designed or tested to Ford Motor Company engineering requirements. See your Ford Dealer for details regarding the manufacturer’s limited warranty and/or a copy of the FLA or MLA product limited warranties offered by the accessory manufacturer.
Depending on the Ford ESP Plan you select, some dealer-installed Genuine Ford Edge Accessories can be covered for up to 7 years or 100,000 miles. Details at your dealership.
Regular Price $146.13
Durable, lightweight polyethylene tray is molded to the contours of your vehicle. Raised lip helps contain spills. Available in black only. Installs and removes easily without tools.. More...
Ford Edge » Interior » Cargo Area Protector
Regular Price $68.97
Be prepared for any unexpected bumps on the road with our Ford Roadside Assistance Kit. This comprehensive kit is bundled in a handy fire-retardant case, ensuring your safety is always a priority. Equipped with booster cables, a warning triangle, a reflective safety vest, a rain poncho, a survival blanket, and an assortment of tools, lights, tape, . More...
Ford Edge » Interior » Roadside Assistance Kit - With Ford Logo
Regular Price $163.65
A smart way to protect the cargo area and keep cargo organized. Liner features molded construction that provides a stain- and moisture-resistant barrier to protect the cargo area floor, while L-shaped Cargo-Loks hold cargo. The liner´s heavy-duty looped polyware surface offers an ideal fastening surface for Velcro® hooks on the underside of. More...
Ford Edge » Interior » Cargo Logic System - Med. Stone
Regular Price $140.28
Cargo Area Protector * Durable, lightweight polyethylene tray is molded to the contours of your vehicle. * Raised lip helps contain spills. A * Available in black only. * Installs and removes easily without tools.. More...
Ford Edge » Interior » Cargo Area Protector, Cargo Tray