Ford Edge » Electronics » Dashcam » Dashcam
Dashcam Whether you’re recording your daily commute or making a video of your next road trip, this compact Dashcam will capture the trip in full HD 1080p video that you can view on your PC or Mac OS computer. Full 140 degree viewing angle helps you capture the whole scene Wide dynamic range helps provide correct exposure and contrast In low-light conditions, videos are recorded with minimal noise and correct exposure Motion detector and impact sensor trigger the camera to record when in Parking Surveillance Mode – camera provides an alert at next power-up letting you know an incident occurred Energy Saving Mode helps provide extended parking surveillance duration Configure dashcam settings with easy to use software Kit includes 8GB MicroSD Card and integrated electrical OBD II T-harness for a clean installation Vehicle Notes: Most Ford and Lincoln vehicles with OBD II refer to specific release notice for details
Part Number VHL3Z-19G490-C
Regular Price $382.43
Ford Edge » Electronics » Dashcam
Part Number VHL3Z-19G490-C
Dashcam Whether you’re recording your daily commute or making a video of your next road trip, this compact Dashcam will capture the trip in full HD 1080p video that you can view on your PC or Mac OS computer. Full 140 degree viewing angle helps you capture the whole scene Wide dynamic range helps provide correct exposure and contrast In low-light conditions, videos are recorded with minimal noise and correct exposure Motion detector and impact sensor trigger the camera to record when in Parking Surveillance Mode – camera provides an alert at next power-up letting you know an incident occurred Energy Saving Mode helps provide extended parking surveillance duration Configure dashcam settings with easy to use software Kit includes 8GB MicroSD Card and integrated electrical OBD II T-harness for a clean installation Vehicle Notes: Most Ford and Lincoln vehicles with OBD II refer to specific release notice for details
Most items will ship within 24-48 hours. Special order items take a longer lead time. Our buyers work diligently to provide us with the quantities we expect to sell. We will do everything possible to ship the products promptly.
Shipping and handling charges are straightforward and simple. They are conspicuously displayed in the shopping cart. Certain items such as bed mats, running boards, cargo extenders and trailer hitches will require a slightly higher freight rate, this is also displayed in the shopping cart. Due to the exclusivity and limited availability of many of our items, Ford Motor Company may only provide some items while supplies last. If a product is ordered that has been discontinued by Ford Motor Company and is out of stock, you will be notified within 24 hours via e-mail. All items will be shipped Fedex Ground or UPS Ground, except APO/FPO orders, which are shipped USPS Parcel Post. Expedited shipping may be available at extra cost. Please contact us to verify availability and fees. .
Genuine Ford Accessories, Genuine Lincoln Accessories and Genuine Mercury Accessories will be warranted for whichever provides the greatest benefit: 12 months or 12,000 miles (whichever occurs first), or the remainder of the Bumper-to-Bumper 3-year/36,000-mile New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Contact your Ford Dealer for details and a copy of the limited warranty. Ford Licensed Accessories (FLA), Genuine Lincoln Accessories (LLA) and Mercury Licensed Accessories (MLA) are warranted by the accessory manufacturer’s warranty. FLA, LLA and MLA are fully designed and developed by the accessory manufacturer and have not been designed or tested to Ford Motor Company engineering requirements. See your Ford Dealer for details regarding the manufacturer’s limited warranty and/or a copy of the FLA or MLA product limited warranties offered by the accessory manufacturer.
Depending on the Ford ESP Plan you select, some dealer-installed Genuine Ford Edge Accessories can be covered for up to 7 years or 100,000 miles. Details at your dealership.
Regular Price $407.98
Dashcam - Infrared Rear View Camera Bundle This compact Dashcam can capture your next trip in full HD 1080p video that you can view on your PC or Mac OS computer. The windshield-mounted Interior View Infrared Camera records the interior of the vehicle in 720p, providing excellent video quality in low light conditions – great for drivers for hire. More...
Ford Edge » Electronics » Dashcam - Infrared Rear View Camera Bundle
Regular Price $817.13
Dashcam - With Rear Facing Camera Bundle Whether you record your daily commute or make a video of your next road trip, our compact Dashcam will capture the trip in full HD 1080p video that you can view on your PC or Mac OS computer. The Rear Facing Camera mounts near the rear window and records out the back in 720p, providing excellent video qua. More...
Ford Edge » Electronics » Dashcam - With Rear Facing Camera Bundle